

Alleviating Dynamic Resource Allocation for Bag of Tasks Applications in Cloud Computing



Cloud computing can provide facilities such as infrastructure and applications to clients on demand. Successful servicing of cloud paradigm necessitates accurate resource allocation. Whereas there are different workload types with different characteristics that should be supported by cloud computing, there is no any single solution that can allocate resources to all imaginable demands optimally. Therefore, there is a need to design specific solutions to allocate resources for each workload type. Based on that, in this paper, we focus on bag of tasks workload type and propose an idea to facilitate dynamic resource allocation for it. Technically, the proposed approach exploits users’ service level agreement parameters and classifies them. It controls utilization of servers to response users in a reasonable time. To validate the proposed approach, we evaluate it using the Monte Carlo simulation. Then, the experimental results are compared with two reference models, namely First Fit and Proportional Share. The proposed approach outperforms the reference models in terms of the total cost of resource allocation and response time of clients.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Work
 3. Background and Preliminary
  3.1. Bag of Tasks
  3.2. Service Level Agreement
  3.3. Assumptions
 4. The Proposed Approach
 5. Performance Analysis
  5.1. Explanation
  5.2. Limiting Distribution
  5.3. Mean Number of BoTs in the Queues
  5.4. Clients’ Mean Response Time
  5.5. Mean Waiting and Service Time of Clients
 6. Evaluation
  6.1. Assumptions and Metrics
  6.2. Methodology
  6.3. Results
 7. Conclusions


  • Masoud Salehpour Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran
  • Asadollah Shahbahrami Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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