

헤밍웨이 소설에 나타난 양대 서술패턴


The Two Narrative Patterns in Hemingway's Novels


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to analyze the two narrative patterns, forward movement and backward movement, in Hemingway's novels. The creation of the two narrative patterns were influenced by Hemingway's time and rhythm. Hemingway's time is basically present or the now-time. If rapid tempo & time are immersed into a sentence, the sentence has sentence-rhythm or contraction. Reversely, the sentence becomes loosened or relaxed. If the sentence-rhythm technique is developed into paragraphs or overall work, there appears the two narrative patterns, forward movement and backward movement. If hero's present action is strengthened by rapid tempo or fast timing, the scene becomes forward movement. In contrast, if the time or strength of action is loosened or relaxed, the scene becomes backward movement. Therefore the former "signifies the actual happening and the stress and strain of relationships," whereas the latter occurs "when the individual is by himself." In scenes of backward movement, the protagonist tends to be introspective and penetrative in a passive way and he tries to make the most of his thought and situation. Also the spiritual action is brought to life in this backward movement. Hemingway installed the two narrative patterns in his successive works such as The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms, "The Killers," and The Old Man and the Sea. And Hemingway used these two narrative patterns to suggest his theme or idea. For example, his heroism is expressed in the forward movement, whereas the immortality of the soul expressed in the backward movement. Viewed in terms of theme or idea, the former is characteristic of activism while the latter is tinged with the problems of the universal or of "the mysterious Unknown." It is clear that Hemingway thought the backward movement more important than the forward movement. And I believe that passivity is vital to Hemingway's action and the passive hero is Hemingway's true protagonist. And also I affirm that the two narrative patterns were created with the bases of organic principle.




  • 蘇洙萬 소수만. 우석대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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