

Development of Evaluation Systems for Bi-Directional Protection Coordination in Distribution System Considering Distributed



This paper deals with the optimal evaluation algorithms for bi-directional protection coordination in the case where new distributed generations(DG) are operated in distribution systems. It is very difficult and complicated to handle the interconnection issues for proper bi-directional protection coordination in distribution systems interconnected with DG, because professional skills and enormous amounts of data for the evaluations are required. In order to overcome these problems, the paper proposes reasonable and general evaluation algorithm for bi-directional protection coordination and presents an evaluation system based on the algorithm algorithms and systems using the HMI software. By performing various simulations to practical distribution system with DG, It is verified that the proposed method is practical tool for the fair and objective evaluations systems.


 1. Introduction
 2. Evaluation Algorithm for Protection Coordination
  2.1. Fault Analysis Algorithm with DG
  2.2. Composition of Evaluation System
 3. Simulation and Analysis
  3.1. Modeling of Distribution System with DG
  3.2. Analysis of Protection Coordination
  3.3. Modeling of real case
 4. Conclusions


  • Sohee Kim Korea University of Technology and Education
  • Seongho Gi Korea University of Technology and Education
  • Daeseok Rho Korea University of Technology and Education


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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