

Derivation of Analytical Closed Expression for the Normalized Propagation Constant of the Multimode Buried Rectangular Optical



Simple theoretical closed algebraic expressions are derived with Hermite-Gauss trial function. These obtained expressions for the normalized propagation constant, the cut-off frequency and the field width of the slab and rectangular optical waveguides. They are shown to have reasonably good precision over a wide range of normalized frequency and modes. These closed expressions are obtained for the conventional variational method and the modified variational technique including either Maractili's method or effective index method. The derived expressions are available for the semi-infinite waveguide. Moreover, results with Hermite Gauss optical field is more confinement than cosusoidal optical field. Also in this work, we present a proposed technique to give a simple and accurate analysis of the rectangular waveguide. The proposed technique based on mixed both the first and the third methods above. The driven equations and the proposed technique show very good accuracy with respect to the finite element method, finite difference method and vectorial boundary element method.


 1. Introduction
 2. Mathematical Analysis and Numerical Results with Discussions
  2.1. Optical Field Analysis
  2.2. Analysis of the Slab Waveguide
  2.3. Analysis of Rectangular Waveguide
 3. Our Proposed Technique (Modified Variational Method, MVM)
 4. Conclusion


  • Adel Zaghloul Fuculty of Engineering , Zagazig University, Egypt


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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