

『로드 짐』: 분신에 대한 말로우와 브라이얼리의 반응


Lord Jim: Responses of Marlow and Brierly to Their Double


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Lord Jim written by Joseph Conrad is a story about Jim, a sailor, who deserted his sinking ship, the Patna, where about eight hundred passengers were sleeping unaware of the crisis. There can be many points of view about Jim's betrayal. People such as the French Lieutenant who risked his life to draw the Patna to a harbour, take no excuse for Jim. They judge Jim's act merely by their severe moral code. But others have such an imagination that they come to identify themselves with Jim. As a result, they go through a drastic change in their lives. Marlow and Brierly are among them. At first, Marlow and Brierly are shocked at the darkness in the human mind mirrored through Jim's betrayal. And soon they come to consider Jim as their double. But they give very different responses to their double. The idealistic Brierly commits suicide because he is unable to cope with his darkness. On the contrary, Marlow is not paralyzed by his double. His moral courage makes him accept human darkness as a part of human condition. He even calls Jim "one of us." This means that he comes to get a deeper knowledge about the human mind. In a word, the meeting with their double, Jim, brings suicide to Brierly, mental maturity to Marlow.


 Works Cited 


  • 박상원 Sangwon Park. 전북대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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