

Novel Admission Control Scheme in Multi-priority Multimedia Network Based on Bandwidth Throughput Evaluation Algorithm



A novel connection admission control (CAC) scheme based on bandwidth throughput evaluation algorithm is studied in multi-priority multimedia network. In the new scheme, bandwidth throughput evaluation algorithm is introduced to obtain the delay threshold of different priority traffic. Through bandwidth throughput evaluation algorithm, the delay threshold result of different traffic class is derived. The admission of different priority traffic was controlled by the delay threshold so as to guarantee network quality of service. Numerical results show that not only the service of high priority traffic or the service of low priority traffic is guaranteed in the new scheme, but also the network utilization is promoted.


 1. Introduction
 2. Network Model Description
 3. The Novel Connection Admission Control Scheme
 4. Delay Threshold of Novel Admission Control
 5. Simulation Results
 6. Discussion and Conclusion


  • Xing Xu Engineering College, South China Agriculture University
  • Sheng Xu School of Physics & Optoelectronic Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology
  • Xuejun Yue Engineering College, South China Agriculture University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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