

A Novel Key Management Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks Based on PUFs



In this paper we focus on physical attacks on sensor nodes in a wireless sensor networks. Node capture attacks is one of the most dangerous attacks applied to WSNs which aims to capture a node in the network and try to steal some secret information. To be more specific we first survey node capture attacks and then a novel security mechanism to deal with these types of attacks will be presented. For this purpose a key management protocol is proposed based on authentication and data encryption preventing from node capture attacks. The key of protocol is generated by embedded PUF on sensor nodes chip. This key is unique and all tasks in protocol performed by this key and its products. The proposed solution is resistant against node capture attacks and is efficient in points of the cost and memory size.


 1. Introduction
 2. Wireless Sensor Network Security
 3. Node Capture Attack
 4. PUF
  4.1. Generating Encryption Key by PUF
  4.2. Arbiter PUF
 5. Key Management
  5.1. Generation keys by PUF and distribute in network
  5.2. Authentication
  5.3. Data storing on nodes
  5.4. Data transmission
 6. Results
 7. Conclusion


  • Ramin Bahrampour Department of Computer Engineering, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran
  • Reza Ebrahimi Atani Department of Computer Engineering, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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