

「틴턴사원」의 선험적 순간에 작용되는 심리적 과정


Psychological Process on Spot of Time in "Lines Composed a few Miles above Tintern Abbey."


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Wordsworth showed his philosophical thought about the relation between man and nature in his poetry. Specially, his central subjects was those of eternity and existence. He used a term of spot of time as a mean of revealing his theme. Spot of time meant a moment that had a perceptible separateness from the general flow of time. Wordsworth had a special kind of awareness of the reality and unity of the universe and saw into the life of things in that moment. And the effects of the moment was benefical and lasting. This study aimed at the psychological process on spot of time in "lines composed a few lines miles above Tintern Abbey." I adopted Kierkegaard's terms to this study because his terms enlightened Wordsworth's psychological process of awareness of nature. Repetition, one of the Kierkegaard's terms, which had the same meaning with spot of time in wordsworth, concerned an eternal truth, God. Repetition passed through several stages in order to obtain the truth. The first stage was an aesthetic stage, second was an ethical stage and the third was a religious stage. The psychological process on spot of time in "Tintern Abbey" passed through these stages. Wordsworth had a new and changing awareness of nature with these stages. At the first stage, he recognized nature as sensual pleasure. He accepted nature in harmony with man at the second stage. lastly, he saw a spirit in nature, From this result of this study, we can reassume that Wordsworth is a great philosophical poet not a simple and sentimental past poet.




  • 김경순 Kyoung-soon Kim. 우석대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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