

Implementation of Smartcard Personalization Software



We treat in this paper the implementation of a graphic tool which allows to personalize smart card (JavaCard cards), which use the RSA (Rivest Shamir Adleman) algorithm and ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Algorithm) for the authentication of the card by the personalization tools and by the authorization server of the card issuer and transforming them as bank cards and securing their use during the transactions of payment, credit, withdrawal, load of the electronic purse or the payment by PME (electronic purse). This personalization software secures the creation of a bank account by a strong authentication and realize the creation and the personalization of a bank card, the visualization of the data of the card, the consultation of the account, the putting an account or a card in opposition, the canceling of the last opposition of an account or a card, the blocking and the unblocking of a card, the blocking and the unblocking of an application as well as the consultation of the online and offline financial records and the commands sent to a card.


 1. Introduction 
 2. Strong Authentication
.1. RSA Signature  
  2.2. Verification of RSA Signature
  2.3. ECDSA Authentication
3. Smart Card Personalization 
  3.1. JavaCard Applet 
  3.2. Account Creation
  3.3. Card Creation and Personalization
  3.4. The Link between the Smart Card and Bank
 4. Services Offered By The Smart Card 
  4.1. Offline Transaction
  4.2. Payment and Credit by Card
  4.3. Withdrawal by Card
  4.4. Account
  4.5. Card Visualization
 5. Security Services In Case of Incident
  5.1. Opposition of the Card
  5.2. Opposition of the Account
  5.3. Cancelling the Opposition of the Account
  5.4. Blocking the card 
  5.5. Unblocking the card 
  5.6. B
locking the Application
 Unblocking the Application 
 6. Management of Electronic Purse
  6.1. Load PME
  6.2. Payment by PME
  6.3. Displaying The Balance Of Electronic Purse
 7. Displaying The Offline Records 
 8. Displaying The Online Records 
 9. Displaying The Commands Sent To The Card
 10. Application Access
 11. Protocols Description
  11.1. APDU Description
 12. Implementation of the Applet
 13. Verification of the RSA Signature by the Client
 14. Conclusions 


  • Hafid Mammass MMS, Faculty of Sciences, Ibn Zohr University
  • Fattehallah Ghadi MMS, Faculty of Sciences, Ibn Zohr University


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