

An Identification based Authentication Protocol for Secure Data Transmission in Ad-Hoc Networks



Wireless ad hoc network is most important present minimizing energy consumption. Among various clustering methods, the low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) mechanism takes the hierarchical approach of segmenting multiple clusters for efficient energy management. The mechanism, however, configures new clusters in every round, so the energy consumed whenever configuring clusters shortens the useful lifetime of the entire network. For this reason, this paper generates clusters and selects candidate cluster head (CCH) in the initial round under the ad-hoc network environment. Subsequent rounds continue, without performing re-clustering, until all of the candidate cluster heads selected become cluster head (CH), thereby addressing the issue of energy consumption in the setup phase for clustering. The proposed model consumes around 30% more energy than the conventional LEACH in the initial round, but its total energy consumption declines in as the round continues. The network simulation tool (NS-2) proves that its energy efficiency improves by up to 13.3% in the 1,000-node environment compared to when 100 sink nodes are employed.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
  2.1 Energy Consumption of Wireless Communication
  2.2 Existing Mechanisms for Ad-hoc Networks
  2.3 IDE based Authentication Framework for Ad-hoc Network
 3 IDE-based Hierarchical Node Authentication Protocol
  3.1. Overview of Proposed Model
  3.2 Session Key Management between Base Station and Cluster Head
  3.3 Group Key Generation between Member Node and Cluster Head
 4. Simulation Results and Analysis
  4.1 Simulation Environment
  4.2 Simulation Results
 5. Conclusion


  • Youngbok Cho Network Security Lab, Chungbuk National University
  • Sun Ning Network Security Lab, Chungbuk National University
  • Sangho Lee Dept.of Softerwer, Electrical Information, Chungbuk National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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