In the modern era, digital data is considered as the more valuable asset of an organization, and the organizations assign more significance to it than the software and hardware assets. Database systems are computer-based record keeping systems, which have been developed to store data for efficient retrieval and processing. One particular approach is the relational databases in which all the information is stored in rows and columns in a series of interconnected tables, and a snippet of structured code called query is used to interact with these database tables. Database management involves indexing of data by tagging information based on some common factors and corresponding criteria. Performance of SQL query against a production database eventually becomes an issue sooner or later. The time-intensive queries not only degrade performance of servers and applications by consuming substantial system resources, but can also result in table locking and data corruption. Therefore, query optimization becomes necessary to prevent performance degradation. Query optimization primarily means selection, followed by sequencing in specific order, of the different SQL clauses to formulate an efficient query from the multiple query plans by drawing a comparison of the query plans based on the cost of the resources involved and the response time. The objective of query optimization is to provide minimum response time and maximum throughput (i.e., the efficient use of resources). This paper reviews different query optimization techniques and approaches discussed in the contemporary literature for both centralized and distributed databases. The paper also highlights merits of these techniques by critically analyzing them.
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Future Work
4. Conclusions