

Study of Database Management and Multimedia System Infrastructure for Micro Grid



This paper provides discussion of multimedia system infrastructure and database management for the micro grid. The micro grid is energy system that has power generator with renewable energy resources and load. The micro grid is an ideal power system for using renewable energy resources for isolated area. This paper provides a brief overview of micro grid and discussion of communication system infrastructure and database management for the micro grid. The Energy Management System (EMS) interacts with all subsystems through communication channel and status information like metering data from all subsystems is stored at data base system in the EMS. With this information EMS manages and operates the micro grid. The Powerline communication and ZigBee are one of ideal communication infrastructure for local communication and the cellular network like MiMAX and LTE can be a good choice for the backhaul of the micro grid.


 1. Introduction
 2. Database Management in the Micro Grid
 3. Communication technologies for micro grid
  3.1 Technologies for Backhaul
  3.2 Communication Technology for Local Area Network
 4. Conclusion


  • Sunguk Lee Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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