

An Expert System for Wide Area Surveillance based on Ontology



An overwhelming amount of data arriving from disparate sources can be a bottleneck in realization of any service. This data, if properly processed and annotated, can be a useful source of information. This work builds an Area Profile Ontology (APO) and imports other related ontology to annotate rich data arriving from multiple sensor streams like cameras. The annotation process provides an impetus to the improvement of knowledge over time. APO provides the main concepts and properties to model an area which can span even a city. We define Jena rules to infer intelligent information about the position of an object of our interest. We illustrate ontology emergence by drawing upon a case study to show an actual application.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Work
 3. Proposed System
 4. Area Profile Ontology (APO)
  4.1. Semantic Annotation
  4.2. Semantic Rules and Inference
 5. Case Study
 6. Conclusions


  • Soomi Yang Department of Computer Science, University of Suwon
  • Harshit Kumar Department of Computer Science, University of Suwon
  • Pil Seong Park Department of Computer Science, University of Suwon


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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