

An Enhanced Light-weight Anonymous Authentication and Encryption Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network



Until now, the interests of the research about sensor network security have been focused on the security services that provide authentication, confidentiality, integrity, and availability. However, the interest in the issue of actual identifier's exposure of sensor node is rapidly increasing. Also, the interest in the efficiency of creating encryption key that is used for the sensor network is increasing. Many schemes for providing node's anonymity in the existing Ad-Hoc network were suggested, but these schemes are not appropriate for sensor network that is energy-limited, so a scheme for providing anonymity that is suitable for sensor network's characteristics is required. Also, Sensor network maintains high limitation of resource because it performs many communications in order to create encryption keys. To solve these problems, this research suggests LA2EP Protocol. LA2EP Protocol can minimize resource and provide a new scheme for authentication and encryption that can provide anonymity of node for safe communication. To analyze the performance of the suggested protocols, a degree of anonymity that is provided by the scheme suggested by using an Entropy-based modeling was measured. As a result, when the suggested scheme was used, the degree of anonymity of sensor node was high. It showed that an important element to increase the degree of anonymity was to let the sensor's ID not known correctly. Also, as a result of calculating spaces for operation, communication, and storage while considering the characteristic of sensor network, which is limited in resource, it showed suitability for sensor network environment.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
  2.1. The Research Related to the Existing Anonymity Authentication Scheme
  2.2. The Research Related to the Existing Key Distribution Scheme
 3. Assumptions and Design Goals
  3.1. Network and Assumptions
  3.2. Design Goals
 4. Proposed Protocol
  4.1. Overview and Notation
  4.2. Light-weighted Anonymous Authentication Protocol
  4.3. Optimized Encryption Key Management Protocol
 5. Performance Evaluation
  5.1. Security Analysis
  5.2. Cost Analysis
 6. Conclusion


  • Jeong-Hyo Park Department of Computer Science, Soongsil University, Korea
  • Yong-Hoon Jung Department of Internet Information, Seoil University, Korea
  • Kwang-Hyung Lee Department of Internet Information, Seoil University, Korea
  • Keun-Wang Lee Department of Multimedia Science, Chungwoon University, Korea
  • Moon-Seog Jun Department of Computer Science, Soongsil University, Korea


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