In this Paper, we propose a Personal Area Distance Computing System (PADCS). The proposed PADCS is built on WUSB (Wireless USB) over WBAN (Wireless Body Area Networks) protocol. And the PADCS is based on synchronized sensor nodes consisting of a WBAN, and location measurement results can be transmitted to the context-aware server through WUSB over WBAN protocol. In the PADCS, a WUSB host calculates the position of a receiving sensor node by using the difference between the times at which the sensor node received different WBAN beacon frames sent from the WUSB host. Performance of the PADCS is evaluated through simulation results and is compared with the Active Bat system with regard to distance computing error and the computing rate. The results demonstrate that the proposed system is a promising and feasible system for personal area distance computing environment where all sensor nodes comprise peripherals of a wearable computer system.
1. Introduction
2. Basic Time-Synchronization Schemes
3. WUSB over WBAN Protocol for Wearable Computing
4. Personal Area Distance Computing System Design
5. Performance Evaluation
6. Conclusion