

한설야의 장편동화 ≪금강선녀≫ 연구


A study on Han Seol-ya’s long fairy tale, ≪Geumgang nymph≫


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



There has been almost no study on literature for children of Han Seol-ya. But Han Seol-ya not only played an important role in establishing literature for children in North Korea but also literature for children took considerable part in his literary work. Especially, ≪Geumgang nymph≫ which was his last long tale written just before his being cleaned up draws special attention – this work was listed on 󰡔literature for children󰡕, propaganda journal of Chosun Writers’ Association. In September, 1953, Han Seol-ya presented a report to deal with a problem of literature for children as a head of committee in National writers and artists meeting. He also created tale for children and instructed activity for literature for children in a section. ≪Children’s revolution unit≫ and ≪ Mangyeongdae≫ published in 1950s received favorable comment as a bright performance of literature for children. But their effects are very limited because they are related to idolization of Kim Il-seong. ≪Geumgang nymph≫ published in early 1960s shows more universality as a fantasy based on well known folk tale ‘Woodcutter and nymph’. Its story develops in world of earth and world of immortal. Center of story is world of earth and here, combat against black thief is displayed. Differently from ending of ‘Woodcutter and nymph’, nymph seeks worth of life in world of earth apart from world of immortal. That is, though motif of ≪Geumgang nymph≫ is ‘Woodcutter and nymph’, allegory about process of constructing North Korea’s socialism can be read from it. For example, general people become subject of history and solve living; they overcome invasion of foreign enemy and natural disaster; they establish cooperative system with neighbor village. ≪Geumgang nymph≫ expressed the writer’s belief as fantasy, that general people are subject of history and utopia on earth can be constructed through efforts and cooperation. This tale has some distance with the cult of personality but reflects Juche Idea. Furthermore, short story which was published just after ≪Geumgang nymph≫ is a work for admiration of Kim Il-seong. In the end, he never deviated from mainstream of North Korea’s literature and maintained consistency. Accordingly, another opinion that he was cleaned up because he was against apotheosis of Kim Il- seong should be reconsidered.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 한설야의 아동문학 활동
 Ⅲ. 장편동화 ≪금강선녀≫의 세계
 Ⅳ. 아동소설 <버섯>과 작가적 최후에 관한 의문
 Ⅴ. 남은 문제


  • 원종찬 Won Jong-chan. 인하대학교.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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