2013 South and North Korea relationship is a sharpening conflict. Nuclear force and economic development, ‘Kim Jong-un era’ of the translationl route corresponds to the strategic agenda. However nuclear threat to its neighbors is unacceptable strategy. Since Lee Myung-bak government all communication channels are almost closed. ‘kaesong industrial complex’ was the only connectivity is also placed in the closed state. 2012 Literature of the North Korea shows reality of ‘Kim Jong-un era’. It is equivalent to a roundabout reading about the North Korea. North Korea Literature of ‘Kim Jong-un era’ in 2013 is still the current era of Kim Jong-il’s {Ju-che literary theory} lies in the shadow of. 2013 North Korea literature of ‘Kim Jong-un era’ reveals that literary discourse already seated ‘Kim Il- sung=Kim Jong-il=Kim Jong-un’s the third generation’. While inheriting the discourse of the ‘Kim Jong-il ’s era’ is underway across the board. this paper investigated directions through short stories in 2012’s {Cho-sun literature} published in the January-December. Thus, the pursuit of ‘Kim Jong-il patriotism’, breakout of ‘the front edge era’, the voice of ‘conscience and devotion’ control reality of the North Korea’s socialist literature that was analyzed contents empirically.
Ⅱ. ‘김정일 애국주의’의 형상화
Ⅲ. ‘최첨단 시대’의 돌파
Ⅳ. 긍정적 주인공들-양심과 헌신의 목소리
Ⅴ. 결론
- 김정은 시대
- 북한문학
- 최첨단 시대
- 김정일 애국주의
- 긍정적 주인공
- 양심의 목소리
- 헌신의 목소리
- 2012년 북한 단편소설
- 사회주의 현실 주체
- 선군혁명문학
- 수령형상문학
- 주체문학론
- Kim Jong-un era
- North Korean literature
- the front edge era
- Kim Jong-il patriotism
- the voice of conscoence
- the voice of devotion
- 2012 North Korean short story
- the real subject of socialism
- the ‘Songun revolutionary literature’
- ‘Leader shape literature’
- ‘Ju-che literary theory’
- positive protagonist