

트리컨티넨탈의 문학, 구술성의 귀환 - 구미중심의 근대와 ‘다른 근대’의 소설의 글쓰기를 모색하며


Tricontinental literature, the return of the orality -In search of the novel writing for ‘other modern’ differentiated from the modern of Eurocentrism


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The modern reason’s deepening agency, the legacy of enlightenment and the appearance of nation state by revolutionary extension of printing technology more provoked the writing of novel. On this multilayered process, it is no exaggerated to say that the novel based on literalcentrism of focusing on literacy created modern world of Eurocentrism. We would like to pay attention to return of the Tricontinental(Africa, Asia, Latin America) literature’s orality of which was pushed out this literalcentrism. Gradually, we used to regard the orality related to literature as the traditional legacy, so we consider that the orality is not concerned the field of modern literature, and that it is one of traditional customs. That’s why we are apt to intend to absorb the orality into the modern subject. Therefore the orality is not useful for representation on the modern world, or has a role as a redundancy of it, otherwise is specially noted as the exceptional aesthetic accomplishment of which made the orality aesthetic specific things. However, this argument is just blindness of the modernism which is caught up Eurocentrism rooted on literalcentrism. The orality is not only related to the modern world but also digests the creative value of modernity and pursues deep modernity which can be creatively beyond the negative of modernity. Meanwhile the orality can perform and project ‘other modern’ differentiated from the modern of Eurocentrism. What we note the return of the orality is the very this reason. The positive orality takes the precious role of narrative which makes subaltern represent their existential, political, and historical position for themselves in the global capital world system. The creative transmodern on between the orality and the literacy can emerge a possibility to solve the difficulty problems related to represent for subaltern’ s life. Hence, it is required to focus on the novel writing of Tricontinintal which shows ‘other modern’ distinguished from modern of Eurocentrism.


Ⅰ. 문제제기: 문자중심주의에 기반한 구미중심의 (탈)근대의 자장(磁場)
 Ⅱ. 아프리카의 성장서사와 구술성의 매혹: 아마두 함파테바의<들판의 아이>
 Ⅲ. 하위주체‘들’의 재현을 위한 과제: 황석영의 <바리데기>
 Ⅳ. 문자성 사이로 솟구치는 구술적 감동: 안토니오 스카르메타의<네루다의 우편배달부>
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 고명철 Ko Myeong-cheol. 광운대학교 국어국문학과.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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