

Design of Incremental Redundancy Hybrid-ARQ with Rate Compatible LDPC Codes




Mobile communication systems have been adopting link adaptive transmission schemes such as adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) and hybrid-ARQ (HARQ). Several wireless mobile communication systems have considered highly efficient incremental redundancy (IR) hybrid ARQ scheme. However IR-HARQ with LDPC codes has not been specified yet. In this paper, we propose an IR-HARQ scheme with rate compatible LDPC codes which adopts the notion of k-SR node and the propagation rate of soft output. Based on the design rule of rate compatible LDPC codes, we define the transmission priority of code bits and propose the sub-packet construction rule. We present the throughput performance of IR-HARQ with various modulation and coding and multi-antenna modes. Consequently, the proposed scheme provides the improvement of system throughput by elaborate link adaptation with CQI information.


 1. Introduction
 2. Incremental Redundancy Hybrid-ARQ Scheme
  2.1 Design of Rate Compatible Punctured Block LDPC Codes
 3. Proposed Type-II HARQ System with Rate Compatible LDPC Codes
  3.1 Classification for Kernel Blocks
  3.2 Parity Bit and Systematic Bit Shuffling
  3.3 Sub-packet Construction
 4. Simulation Results
 5. Conclusions


  • Dong Ho Kim Seoul National University of Science and Technology
  • Ye Hoon Lee Seoul National University of Science and Technology


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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