

Torque Analysis and Motion Realization of Reconfigurable Modular Robot



This paper deals with design of the intelligent mechanism and working algorithm for a cube-style modular robot. The modular robot changes own shape according to the working environment. Therefore it is suitable to work in the search and rescue area where requires the adaptation of situation with a shape of snake, legged robot or humanoid. Each of modular unit has to install own controller on the body and drive the body to give some mobility autonomously, also combine and separate their modules with docking and unlocking mechanism. In this paper we proposed design concept of our modular robot including the combination, control, and communication algorithm between modules, and also suggest some application movement with respect to various situations after torque consideration. Torque analysis according to the motion were accomplished by generation of trajectory and followed by simulation with respect to walking gait. The motions are verified with some simple action and shown their effectiveness through actual experiment for corporative motion of multiple modular robots such as inchworm, butterfly, crab, and bipedal motion.


 1. Introduction
 2. System Design
 3. Torque Analysis
 4. Motion Experiments
 5. Conclusions


  • Bo-Hee Lee Dept. Of Electrical Eng., Semyung Univ
  • In-Hwan Yu Dept. Of Display Eng.,Doowon Univ
  • Jung-Shik Kong Dept. Of Mech. Design, Induk Univ


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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