

The Study of Genetic Algorithm-based Task Scheduling for Cloud Computing



Task scheduling is an important and challenging issue of Cloud computing. Existing solutions to task scheduling problems are unsuitable for Cloud computing because they only focus on a specific purpose like the minimization of execution time or workload and do not use characteristics of Cloud computing for task scheduling. A task scheduler in Cloud computing has to satisfy cloud users with the agreed QoS and improve profits of cloud providers. In order to solve task scheduling problems in Cloud computing, this paper proposes a task scheduling model based on the genetic algorithm. In the proposed model, the task scheduler calls the GA scheduling function every task scheduling cycle. This function creates a set of task schedules and evaluates the quality of each task schedule with user satisfaction and virtual machine availability. The function iterates genetic operations to make an optimal task schedule. Experimental results show effectiveness and efficiency of the genetic algorithm-based task scheduling model in comparison with existing task scheduling models, which are the round-robin task scheduling model, the load index-based task scheduling model, and the ABC based task scheduling model.


 1. Introduction
 2. GA-based Task Scheduling for Cloud Computing
  2.1. Encoding and Initiation
  2.2. Fitness Function and Selection
  2.3. Crossover and Mutation
  2.4. Restart & Stop Condition
 3. Simulation Results
 4. Conclusion


  • Sung Ho Jang School of Information Engineering Inha University
  • Tae Young Kim School of Information Engineering Inha University
  • Jae Kwon Kim School of Information Engineering Inha University
  • Jong Sik Lee School of Information Engineering Inha University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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