

Operational Merits on Dividing a Multi-Lane Highway



Compared to a typical one-way multi-lane highway, a one-way divided highway operated, for instance, in the form of two two-lanes instead of four lanes may have an advantage on safety more than operation. In congested traffic conditions, drivers would change lanes into less heavy lanes. Frequent lane changes cause unstable traffic flows, reduce capacity and increase accident possibility. The purpose of this study is to observe an impact of one-way divided highway scheme on traffic operation compared to the conventional undivided. Average travel time and travel time variance are observed for traffic operation performance and travel time variability in the environment of computer simulation. In results, an undivided highway showed better performance than a divided highway in all cases. For travel time variability, no significant difference between an undivided highway and a divided highway was with small on-ramp demands. The large inflow from on-ramps, however, increased more travel time variability in a divided highway system.


 1. Introduction
 2. One-way Divided Highway Scheme
 3. Experiments
  3.1. Road Networks
  3.2. Traffic conditions
  3.3. Simulation Environments
 4. Results
  4.1. System Performance
  4.2. Travel Time Variability
 5. Conclusion


  • Hyoungsoo Kim Korean Institute of Construction Technology
  • Taehyung Kim The Korean Transport Institute
  • Taehyeong Kim Korean Institute of Construction Technology


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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