

Development of a Digital Integrated and Minimized Public Address System with Central Control




There are two kinds of public address (PA) systems: analog PA systems and digital PA systems. The digital PA systems have better communication quality than analog PA systems, and many companies manufacture various types of digital PA systems. Digital PA systems are used in public places where there are vast crowds of people. In this paper, a digital, minimized, and integrated PA system was developed. Its facilities included an external input, a microphone, a CD, and a radio for a PA system. The developed digital integrated PA system with an operational MICOM will make it possible to centrally control digital device facilities. The operational MICOM has three layers: a control layer, a processing layer, and a user interface layer. In addition that, the remote control and key inputs are used for the central control. The execution results showed that the system can operate different digital media individually or together concurrently.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
  2.1. Digital PA System: Praesido
  2.2. M16C/60, M16C/20, M16C/Tiny Series
 3. Development of the Digital Integrated Public Address System
 4. Implementation and Results
 5. Conclusions and Future Work


  • Jung-Sook Kim Department of Multimedia, Kimpo College


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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