

Development of the BioAPI v2.0 Conformance Test Suite and Testing according to ISO24709



In the information age of today, in which security is important, the use of biometric technologies such as fingerprint recognition and face recognition has been growing continuously. As many biometric products have been released to the market, it is necessary to evaluate whether these products are implemented in conformance with the international standard BioAPI. This paper presents a concrete case that develops and applies the BioAPI v2.0 CTS (Conformance Test Suite), which can evaluate the BioAPI standard conformance of the BSP object implemented according to the method described in the ISO/IEC 24709. To verify the effectiveness of the CTS evaluation method and evaluation tool proposed by this paper, BSP products from three security product vendors were received, and a standard conformance test was performed on those products. This paper also describes the test details.


 1. Introduction
 2. Test Assertion
 3. Conformance Test Methodology
 4. CTS Implementation and Test
 5. Related Works
 6. Conclusion


  • Woo Chang Shin Dept. of Computer Science, SeoKyeong University
  • Euyseok Hong School of Information Technology, Sungshin Women’s University
  • Yong Nyuo Shin Dept. of Computer Engineering, Hanyang Cyber University


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