

The Design and Implementation of Ontology for Architecture Framework (ONT-DAF) in Military Domain



Architecture framework (AF) is a guideline to define components needed to develop and operate enterprise architecture (EA), and to identify relationships among the components. There are many AFs to operate EA for of governments or businesses such as Zachman framework, DoDAF, TOGAF, FEAF, and TEAF. DoDAF is the most representative AF to support the development of the EA in the military domain. It is composed of eight viewpoints and 40 views that are affiliated with the viewpoints. However, views in DoDAF are structurally inter-related explicitly and/or implicitly. Similarly, data are twisted and complicated, too. So, developing an AF for a specific goal is going to be a project to be carried out over a long haul. To reduce the burden of its development, in this paper, we develop ONT-DAF (Ontology for DoDAF) that can infer inter-relationships like referential and transitive relationships and the sequences among the views. Furthermore, to promote reusability and consistency of the views and the data within an AF, we adopt the view-data separation strategy. To prove the effectiveness of ONT-DAF, we perform a case study.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
 3. Overall Schema of ONT-DAF
  3.1. Analysis of DoDAF
  3.2. Design Principles of ONT-DAF
  3.3. Overall Structure of ONT-DAF
  3.4. Reasoning Rules
 4. Case Study
 5. Conclusion and Further Works


  • Young Min Kwon Department of Industrial Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University
  • Mye Sohn Department of Industrial Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University
  • Hyun Jung Lee Yonsei Institute of Convergence Technology, School of Integrated Technology Yonsei University


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