


開埠와 吉長地區의 위상변화


Opening ports and Phase change of Ji-Chang Region

개부와 길장지구의 위상변화


전북사학회 전북사학 제43호 2013.10 pp.329-358
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Chung Dynasty had maintained close policies as to foreign relationship for a long time. As she lost a war against the United Kingdom who had demanded correcting unreasonable trading system attributable to closed-door policy, China had no choice but eventually open its door. After then, western powers establish concessions and independently exercised governing power such as legislation, judiciary, public administration, and finance. At the same time, as these open ports played roles of importing ports of affordable foreign products and exporting ports of plundered raw materials from China, they were recognized as bridgeheads for invasion to China. In early 20th century when international order of Northeast Asia jolted and shoved, changes in domestic and international political circumstances were accelerated and crisis of Manchuria was deepened, a few figures who had opinions and views strongly argued the changes in political and economic policies and proposed the opening of northeast region as one of the measures. By reflecting the reality that open ports functioned as bridgeheads for invasion of foreign powers to China, Chung Dynasty prepared specific measures for China to exercise initiatives of development and management in opening the process of opening commercial zones in northeast regions and implemented the measures. The effects of opened region trade and commerce on changes of open ports and area society were diverse. Opened region trade and commerce resulted in the expansion of commercial extent by centering on open ports. Commercialization of farm produce due to the progress of agricultural product and corresponding increase of export made open ports to play a leading role in promote modernization of international trades by producing growth of trades. In the state that unified market had not formed yet in China, the commercial zone became the starting point that led to modernization. Also, as factors of modernization that were planted in the commercial zone proliferated to outside the zone, it played leading role for entire regional economy to be modernized. Opening ports functioned as core engine for urbanization such as expansion of size of a city and became a key factor that had actual impact on the changes of the functions and structure of a city. After opening the zone, relevant cities witnessed growth of population and accomplished external growth as well as obtained the dynamic power that could develop into modernized cities in various aspects such as construction, sanitation, and maintenance.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 開埠의 내외적 배경
 Ⅲ. 吉林․長春의 개부
 Ⅳ. 개부와 길장지구의 변모
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 金泳信 김영신. 원광대학교 한·중역사문화연구소


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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