


1931年刊 『全州生進靑衿錄』 分析


The Analysis on the Jeonju Saengwon and Jinsa Roster Published in 1931

1931년간 『전주생진청금록』 분석


전북사학회 전북사학 제43호 2013.10 pp.213-254
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This is to analyze the Jeonju saengwon and jinsa roster published in 1931 which belongs to Namanje, an old famous auditorium, in Jeonju. I will place the focus on the background and the distinguishing features of the publishment, and the authenticity of all the 631 members on the roster. For the verification, the CD-ROM Samabangmok made by Seoul System was used. The outcome is as follows. The roster was issued on the basis of the roster in manuscript of the Jeonju Hyanggyo, a local school annexed to the confucian shrine. The compilation staff consisted of 55 members, but they didn’t try to verify the authenticity of the manuscript, but rather made every effort to find the ancestors or descendents of the saengwon and the jinsa of the manuscript and to write these facts on the new book. And the analysis of the staff shows that 18 among the staff were the descendants of the sangwon and the jinsa on the roster, and 4 were saengwon or jinsa themselves. On the other hand, 212 saengwon and jinsa, 33% of the roster’s total, were not found in any of the existing samabangmoks of the Joseon dynasty. It means that most of them could be fakes. Among them there were 48 clans including influential clans such as Jeonju Yu, Joyang Im, Jeonju Choi, Milyang Park, Jeonju Lee, and Kimhae Kim. Many fakes were recorded to pass the exam in the early or middle Jeoson dynasty. Some of them became successful candidates even in the year when any exam was not conducted. At the times when the roster was published, Korea was suffering a cruel fate. Japan was about to eradicate Korean national identity under the slogan “Japan and Korea are One Entity.” Almost 40 years passed since the civil service examination system had been abolished, and 20 years passed since Japan had made Korea its colony. It was at this moment that Jeonju literatis determined to publish the old roster. To them the examination system had never ceased to exist. In short, they were still living in the country of the examination.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 『생진록』의 편찬과 그 배경
 Ⅲ. 『생진록』 수록 생원 진사 631명에 대한 분석
 Ⅳ. 맺는 말


  • 柳浩錫 류호석. 전북대학교 한국학자료센터 전임연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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