


간도 영유권에 대한 재 고찰 - 간도 고지도와 간도협약 전후의 일본의 자세 변화 -


Re-consideration about territorial claim on Gando - Gando old maps and At the time, Japan's attitude change -


전북사학회 전북사학 제43호 2013.10 pp.179-212
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper, in first, I confirming the territorial of Gando through of the Gando old maps made ​​by Westerners, In the 18th century. In the next, I examine changes in the attitude of the Japanese government, of 1905∼1909. And I raised the issue in level of historic research, by connecting the Eulsa Treaty(乙巳條約), the Gando Convention(間島協約). 18C European antique maps are excellent resource. In particular, in the modern historical sense, Our claim will evolve into a more objective argument. The Gando area appears as Korea territory, in Chinese military map produced in 1917. It means that China recognized that Gando is Korea territory. This Chinese military map. The Japanese government has denied China's Dooman River country boundary, until just before agreement Gando Convention(間島協約). It was possible to exploration and investigation results of Gando policce box(間島派出所) of the Chosun residency-General(朝 鮮統監府). In fact, sino-Japan, both countries recognized that Dokdo is Korean land, and then signed the Gando Conventiont. This is the evidence that supports the claim of "Gando is Korea territory”. Also this is the evidence to solve illegitimate issue of the Eulsa Treaty(乙巳條約), the Gando Convention(間 島協約).


I. 들어가는 글
 II. 고지도를 통해 본 간도
 III. 간도협약까지의 일본정부의 ‘토문강’에 대한 자세 변화
 Ⅳ. 맺는 글
 참고 자료
 참고 문헌


  • 강효숙 Kang, hyo-suk. 원광대학교 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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