


조선 전기 太祖眞殿 儀禮의 정비 과정


The Formation and Change of Taejojinjeon's Ritual Ceremony in the Choson Period

조선 전기 태조진전 의례의 정비 과정


전북사학회 전북사학 제43호 2013.10 pp.113-140
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is about changing process of rites conducted in Taejojinjeon(太祖眞殿) during Choson period. The ceremony of Taejojinjeon were made in 1419 for the first time. Soon after Taejojinjeon was built in Gaesung(開城), King Sejong enshrined King Taejo's Portrait in it and had the ceremonies board(禮曹) make the ceremony of Jinjeon to perform ancestral rites of King Teajo and late King Teajong. This is the ‘King Taejo's Portrait Enshrining Ceremony(太祖聖 眞 奉安儀禮)’, the original form of the ceremony. However, this ceremony didn't be included in "Orae(五禮)" of Annals of the Choson Dynastry by King Sejong(『世宗實錄』) but late in KookjoOraeUi(『國朝五禮儀』) which was made in 1475. ‘Sokjeolhyang Jijeonui(俗節享 眞殿 儀)’, the ceremony of Jinjeon modifying ‘King Taejo's Portrait Enshrining Ceremony’ made in 1419, and became the original form of the ceremony. During King Teajong~Sejong, in course of organizing national rituals, there was discussion that Taejojinjeon in Gyeongju(慶州), Jeonju(全州), and Pyongyang(平壤) should be abolished except for Gaesung(開城) and Hamhung(咸興) where the king performed ancestral rites in person, because there couldn't be hold a memorial service for nation's founder, King Teajo in province(州) and district(郡). This was that the memorial service for King Teajo directly was related to existence of Teajojinjeon, namely to direct relation to their legitimacy, the relation between main agents who held and the objects who received a memorial service. Because this relation was showed as the ceremony, organization of national rituals is closely related with setting national ruling order right. With this in mind, therefore, this study examined about before-and-after point of difference and similarity in course that the ceremony of Teajojinjeon was established as the ceremony of Jinjeon in KookjoOraeUi, and about how the ceremony was changed with transition of Jinjeon system in late Chosun.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 태종대 진전 의례
 Ⅲ. 세종대 진전 의례의 정비
 Ⅳ. 성종대 『국조오례의』와 진전 의례
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 김철배 Kim, Chul-Bae. 전북대학교 사학과 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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