


浮屠形 佛舍利塔에 대한 연구


A Study on the Stupa Style Sarira Stupa

부도형 불사리탑에 대한 연구


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Since the period of the Three States when Buddhism was introduced to Korea, thousands of Sarira Stupas where Buddha’s Saris were placed built throughout the country. Sarira Stupas built as such were called in various names through classification of materials or kind of enshrined items. As for style of construction, plane shape of quadrilateral or octagonal style became characteristics of Korean stone Stupa and occupied a unique position in Korean stone arts. However, Namjonseon was introduced at the end of Silla dynasty, and octagonal-shaped Budos of the originator and the 2nd forebear of so-called Gusanseonmum which developed from it were built throughout the country with the established temple as well as temples divided from them as center. While going through a period of Goryeo, such typical Budos developed to various styles including Palgakwonguhyeong, Jonghyeong and etc. Beginning with Budo of saint Wonrang in Silla dynasty, preceding pattern of octagonal circle shape appeared in Budos of Hongbeop-Guksa at Jeontosa, Bojo-Guksa at Songgwangsa in Goryeo dynasty; at the end of Goryeo dynasty, Budos of Jigong, an Indian Buddhist monk, Naongwangsa who succeeded to his abbacy, and Muhakdaesa were built in octagonal circle shape; Saris were divided into Jonghyeong, which made construction of Budos prevalent. Going through Joseon period, such diversified Budo styles became to be built with specific names like Sejon or Seokgasari Stupa. Besides name, they started to imitate also Budo pattern of circle-typed Stupa body instead of existing quadrilateral or octagonal multiple layer stone Stupa. This appears only after foundation of Joseon dynasty possibly due to insufficient investigation and they were built more splendidly and largely than quadrilateral stone Stupa-type stone works from the viewpoint of art history. We have looked into how Sarira Stupas in such styles were constructed. Namely, we have looked into the fact that representative examples of octagonal circle shape are Heaamsa, Bonginsa, Naksansa, Beopjusa and Geonbongsa while stair-types or stone bell-types are at Yongyeonsa, Ansimsa in Wanju and Cheongwon, Dorisa and Bohyeonsa, This means that as a means of responding to the country’s policy of ‘Respect to Confucianism but Restraint on Buddhism’ during Joseon period, they tried to emphasize ideological color of Buddha, the leader of Buddhism and then, built Sarira Stupas by borrowing new octagonal circle shape or stair-types. Experiencing Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592, SARIs enshrined in Tongdosa were distributed to Bohyeonsa, Yongyeonsa, Geonbongsa and Jeongamsa; as for Beopjusa, Saris were distributed from Tongdosa during Gongminwang period, from which we can confirm Sarira Stupa was built in the latter part of Joseon. Different from previous period including Goryeo, it is required to more carefully investigate characteristics of Joseon period from sociopolitical perspective and to handle division phenomenon appearing in various forms during the period. It is because such a new social phenomenon in the Buddhist world seems to be the efforts to overcome its limitation of the times.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 불사리탑의 유형
 Ⅲ. 종합적 검토
 Ⅳ. 맺음말


  • 洪性益 홍성익. 강원대학교 사학과 강사ㆍ강원도 문화재전문위원(佛敎遺蹟분과)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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