

『황제내경』오행론의 형성 - 초기 오행 사유에서 운기설까지 -


The Beginning and Development of Wuxing Theory of Huang Di Nei Jing


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The aim of this thesis is to search the nature and the characteristics of Wuxing as a traditional chinese medical theory of Huang Di Nei Jing (Nei Jing). The nature of Wuxing in medical area is associated with cycling change over time. In Nei Jing, Wuxing theory is represented in various ways such as four-season's wuxing, win/antagonistic relationships of wuxing or five-taste, five-color, five-sound, etc. The beginning of Wuxing as a medical theory can not be correctly identified, but in general it is mentioned to be started from Warring States period. But, it doesn't mean the universal use of wuxing in the medical field in that period. Even though these theoretical represents included in one text, they were not originated from one era, not made by one group. They were from different ideological background and different theoretical contexts. Wuxing theory of Nei Jing was from outside of medical area in ancient society. Therefore, it had to be adjusted to meet the medical needs related to diagnosis and treatment of diseases. The emergence of Han dynasty affected to establish the theoretical structure of the archetypical idea of Wuxing. The archetypal ideas of Wuxing were developed and organized by the theoretical system of Han thoughts. Even after publishing of Nei Jing in the mid-to-late in Han dynasty, the medical Wuxing theory were continuously developed while passing new era.


『황제내경』이 등장한 시기로 추정되는 漢대 오행 사상은 춘추전국시 기의 사유 형태보다 이론적으로 발달한 체계로 볼 수 있다. 본인은 『황제내경』오행론에 대해, 전국시대에 있었던 의학적 오행론의 원형적 관 념들이 漢대의 발전된 사상체계에서 이론적으로 체계화 되었고, 『내경』의 등장 이후에도 운기설의 보충으로 인해 의학이론으로 완성되어 간 과정을 통해 파악하고자 한다.


<논문 요약>
 1. 서론
 2.『황제내경』의 저작시기
 3.『황제내경』오행론의 형성 배경
 4.『황제내경』에 나타난 오행의 이론적 표현들
 5.『황제내경』에 나타난 오행의 의미
 6. 『황제내경』오행론에 대한 운기설의 영향
 7. 결론
 <참고 문헌>


  • 김혜랑 Kim Hyerang. 한국학중앙연구원 한국학대학원 철학과 통합과정 수료


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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