

3D Depth Analysis Following Distance and Location for the 3D Image Control Resulting from Three-dimensional Effect Felt by User



After the release of the film, ‘Avatar’recently, a new paradigm is emerging in the 3D contents industry worldwide due to the expansion of the 3D contents production. Along with the rapid growth of the 3D contents industry, individual nations are stepping up the effort to develop 3D technology and to secure upper hand in the standardization effort in order to secure the leading position in the marketing sphere. As a result, transformation from 2D to 3D is taking place in the diverse industry areas such as TV, S/W, 3D game contents and others as the 3D technology is being used in diverse areas. However, 3D syndromes such as fatigue of the eyes result when 3D image is watched for a long time since the method of using merely the disparity of two eyes is used when watching 3D image to this day. In addition to this problem, there is a systemic level problem, which is the need to maintain specific distance and location in order to feel the 3D effect correctly. Accordingly, this research paper seeks to leverage the change in the 3D image’s Depth level to present 3D Depth level analysis index that will enable users to feel the three-dimensional effect and engagement level most effectively depending on distance and location, and to capitalize the findings to present 3D image control system that can adjust 3D Depth following the three-dimensional effect felt by user.


 1. Introduction
 2. 3D Image Technology Trend [5]
 3. 3D Depth analysis for users to feel the effect following distance and location in order to realize effective three-dimensional effect
  3.1. Environmental Factors
  3.2. Methods
 4. Experimental Results
  4.1. Analysis of the time when the feel for the three-dimensional effect started
  4.2. Analysis of the time when users stop feeling the three-dimensional effect
  4.3. Analysis on the degree of the feel for three-dimensional effect depending on whether eyeglasses are worn or not
 5. Conclusion


  • Jeong-Hoon Shin School of Information Technology Eng, Catholic University of Dae-Gu, Korea
  • Seong-Jun Lee School of Information Technology Eng, Catholic University of Dae-Gu, Korea


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