The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the learning styles for adult college students in order to better understand the factors that shape the language learning process. I examined the perceptual learning styles of 119 college students, one at ChongUp Technical College, and the second at a university located in ChonBuk Province. The subjects' English proficiency levels varied as under TOEIC 220 score (55.5%), 220 - 470(39.5%), over 470(5.0%). Research findings are as follows: First, subjects mainly preferred auditory(38.3%) and kinesthetic (36.2%) learning style. It might be influenced by traditional teaching method used by most Korean teachers. Second, on the survey of sociological learning styles, subjects favored group - oriented style. They value group interaction and class work with two or three classmates. Third, Lower level students(under. 220 TOEIC) preferred kinesthetic style than higher level. It is different from Rossi-Le's position(1995) that more language-proficient students preferred learning through interactive methods and direct experiences with the language. However it might be different by cultural backgrounds, subjects, and research focus.
2. 이론적 배경
3. 연구 방법
4. 결과 분석 및 해석
5. 결론 및 제언
인 용 문 헌