Solar Energy (SE) is accepted as a key resource for the future of the world. The utilization of SE could cover a significant part of the energy demand in the countries. Using of SE in its various aspects, therefore, is very attractive in this part of the world. A comprehensive review of the different designs, details of construction of the wide diversity of practically designs of SE systems reported previously is presented. Therefore, in this review paper, an attempt has been taken to summarize the past and current research in the field of SE technology. The main objectives of this research are to present the current status and future aspects of SE in the world by comprehensively reviewing various SE related studies conducted up to date and to highlight some corresponding available sustainable energy methods towards establishing energy policies.
1. Introduction
2. Background
3. Calculation of Sunshine Duration
3.1. Calculation of Potential Energy Income
4. Applications
4.1. Photovoltaics
4.2. Solar Thermal
4.3. Solar Stills
4.4. Solar Dryers
4.5. Solar Cooling
4.6. Solar Collector
5. Conclusion