

Multiple Cracks Assessment using Natural Frequency Measurement and Prediction of Crack Properties by Artificial Neural Network



This paper addresses the method of multiple cracks detection in moving parts or beams by monitoring the natural frequency and prediction of crack location and depth using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). Determination of crack properties like depth and location is vital in the fault diagnosis of rotating machine equipments. For the theoretical analysis, Finite Element Method (FEM) is used wherein the natural frequency of beam is calculated whereas the experimentation is performed using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analyzer. In experimentation, simply supported beam with single crack and cantilever beam with two cracks are considered. The experimental results are validated with the results of FEM (ANSYSTM) software. This formulation can be extended for various boundary conditions as well as varying cross sectional areas. The database obtained by FEM is used for prediction of crack location and depth using Artificial Neural Network (ANN). To investigate the validity of the proposed method, some predictions by ANN are compared with the results given by FEM. It is found that the method is capable of predicting the crack location and depth for single as well as two cracks. This work may be useful for improving online conditioning and monitoring of machine components and integrity assessment of the structures.


 1. Introduction
 2. Analysis of Reduction in Natural Frequencies
 3. Determination of Crack Location
 4. Determination of Crack Size
 5. Experimental Analysis
 6. Finite Element Analysis
 7. Prediction of Crack Properties by Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
 8. Results and Discussions
 9. Conclusion


  • Prasad Ramchandra Baviskar Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering, Tathwade
  • Vinod B. Tungikar Shri Guru Gobind Singhji Institute of Engg. & Technology


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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