

Fuel Cell and Renewable Hydrogen Energy to Meet Household Energy Demand



Energy is an inescapable part of today’s society and economy. Accomplishment of every work depends on the sufficient and incessant supply of energy. But the conventional fossil energy sources like oil are ultimately limited. Moreover, the increasing demand and flinching supply of oil has made the sustainable energy supply more vulnerable. So this vulnerability of conventional source of energy conducts the thinkers to think about reliable sources of fuel like fuel cell and renewable energy. It can forestall the minus impacts of global climate change, the growing risk of supply interruptions, price fluctuations and air pollution that are associated with today’s energy systems. Bring in the hydrogen economy by hydrogen and fuel cell in the minor level like household activities can be a promising solution of energy crisis in a quite unique way which also can ensure our concerns over energy supply security and climate change.


 1. Introduction
 2. Global Primary Energy Consumption
 3. System Block Diagram
 4. Fuel Cell for Domestic Power
 5. Typical Home Energy Analysis
 6. Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Installation Analysis
 7. Conclusion


  • Khizir Mahmud Department of Electrical Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University


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