

A Test Framework based on CPN Model for Functional Testing of Web Service Composition



Web service composition is a mature and effective way to realize the rapidly changing requirements of business in service-oriented solutions. Testing the compositions of web services is complex, due to their distributed nature and asynchronous behaviour. Control flow testing focuses on the transfer of control, while data flow testing focuses on the definitions of data and their subsequent use. The execution of a service is driven by the received and manipulated data; hence validation of data flow is very critical in composition. Colored Petri Nets (CPNs) is one model that combines data and control flow with behavioural aspects of a given business requirement. In this paper, a test framework based on a data-driven CPN model for functional testing of web service composition is proposed. The test framework also includes test design coverage measurement using three newly formulated metrics: Decision Coverage, Input Output Coverage and Implementation Coverage. The framework was applied to airline reservation system and the generated test sequences were evaluated against the coverage criteria.


 1. Introduction
 2. Motivation
 3. Proposed Test Framework for Web Service Compositions
  3.1. CPN Model Setup
  3.2. Input Initialization
  3.3. Automated Test Sequence Generation
 4. Case Study
 5. Experimental Results and Analysis
 6. Conclusion


  • G. Zayaraz Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry, India
  • Poonkavithai Kalamegam Research Scholar Department of Computer Science and Engineering Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry, India


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