A new approach is presented to improve the face recognition accuracy. This approach is based on the contrast enhancement using high-frequency emphasize filtering and histogram equalization. In the presented method, image contrast and the global (or local) visualization are enhanced using digital filtering and equalizing the histogram of the pixel values over entire image. For this, first the face images are transformed into a high-frequency domain and then the global thresholding technique, by Otsu method, is applied to the image. Then, the values lower than threshold has only been considered. For dimension reduction and also feature extraction purpose the linear method such as two dimensional principle component analysis (2DPCA) and two dimensional linear discriminant analysis (2DLDA) are adopted. In the last stage of the algorithm, the simple minimum distance method is exploited for the classification. Experimental trials demonstrate that the presented method is leading to the promising recognition rates and noticeable improvement in the face recognition system.
1. Introduction
2. Background
2.1 Pre-processing
3. Proposed Method
4. Experimental Results
5. Conclusion