Changes and Development in Korean Army Leadership
Army leadership may be summarized as partaking in 'information society', having 'respect for human life', and embodying 'new generation values', and thus requires new development and change. Points to be considered in the development process for army leadership are first, making effort to creatively utilize a variety of leadership theories needed in academia. A leader should embody morals and conduct that transcend time-space, and based on this, exhibit transformational, authentic and situational leadership qualities. Second, harmony and balance with regard to tradition and change are needed. Therefore, organization-centered leadership and person-centered leadership, as well as the wisdom to apply discipline command and mission command appropriately to different contexts is important. Third, a leader must positively promote and disseminate public education for the transformation of military life. For this purpose, he must expand his knowledge of various kinds of leadership and institute programs for improving followership to create an army that people want to join. Fourth, there is a need to newly supplement the evaluation system for ‘leadership effectiveness’. Especially, aspects such as intangible combat power and rationality in command should be reflected in evaluation criteria. What is most important to being an exceptional leader is exhibiting the posture and competence of a "leader". Therefore, all army leaders must adopt the habit of self-diagnosing their own leadership (skills).
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 리더십 패러다임 유형과 이론
Ⅲ. 군의 리더십 환경변화와 인간중심 리더십 강화
Ⅳ. 한국군 리더십의 발전과제
Ⅴ. 결론
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