

Effective PCG Signals Compression Technique Using an Enhanced 1-D EZW



This paper presents an Enhanced version of the Embedded Zerotree Wavelet (EEZW) dedicated to Phonocardiogram (PCG) compression. This algorithm is constituted of six steps: applying Discrete Wavelet Transform, uniform scalar quantizing, creating dominant and subordinate lists, generating preliminary symbol stream and finally using arithmetic coding. The compression algorithm has been tested and evaluated by its application on several databases. The adapted 1-D algorithm shows better performance than the original EZW, the modified Ouafi’s EZW (MEZW) and the popular MP3 audio-specific format, regarding to the well-known trade-off rate/distortion. Also a low computational complexity of our method is obtained. It is due to the only one time subordinate pass calculated one time after the achievement of all dominant passes.


 1. Introduction
 2. Discrete Wavelet Transform
 3. 1-D EZW Coding Algorithm
 4. Proposed Method
  4.1. Dominant Pass
  4.2. Subordinate Pass
  4.3. RLE and Arithmetic Coders
 5. Experimental Results
 6. Conclusion


  • Nabil Boukhennoufa Department of Electronics, Batna University, Algeria
  • Khier Benmahammed Department of Electronics, Setif University, Algeria
  • Redha Benzid Department of Electronics, Batna University, Algeria


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