

Effort Reduction in RUP using CRM for Project Development: Mapping the Best Practices of CRM into RUP



It has been observed that with ever changing technologies need for different software methodologies also evolved. Different methodologies are actually developed to cater the needs of different software development technologies. These methodologies are so technology specific that it becomes a hazard whenever these are applied as generic methodologies for all type of applications. For example it is evident that none of these methodologies can fully cope with the development of expert system, soft computing systems or scientific applications. Moreover Rational Unified process, besides its numerous disadvantages, is very effective uniform and having wide range of applicability. On the other hand Cleanroom software Engineering is an efficient methodology which is aimed develop zero defect software. At the very mundane level it is very much unrealistic to think of a man-made product without any fault or any error, but a still believe that the efforts involved in Cleanroom software engineering at utmost level, or the ultimate efforts to remove the possibility of errors, with the mapping of RUP with CRM the effort for development is to be decreased. However the Cleanroom methodology is not the sole solution for the efficient and effective development of software.


 1. Introduction
 2. Facts about CRM and RUP
 3. Comparison Effort for the Development of Project using CRM, RUP and Proposed Model
  3.1 Experiment-1:
  3.2. Experiment-2:
  3.3. Experiment-3:
 4. Conclusion


  • Muhammad Javed Institute of Computing and Information Technology Gomal University, D. I. Khan, Pakistan
  • Bashir Ahmad Institute of Computing and Information Technology Gomal University, D. I. Khan, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Ali Abid Institute of Computing and Information Technology Gomal University, D. I. Khan, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Ahmad Jan Sheikh Muhammad Saqib Institute of Computing and Information Technology Gomal University, D. I. Khan, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Ali Shah Institute of Computing and Information Technology Gomal University, D. I. Khan, Pakistan


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