

번역사의 사회적 가시성 연구 : 정영목 譯 <로드>의 후텍스트 분석


Social Visibility of the Translator : Focusing on the Epitext of The Road Translated by Chong, Young-Mok


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Although “we are born into the world that has been translated for translator can be expressed, however, it has not been actively researched in translation studies. Identifying the translator's social visibility through epitext is closely related to translator studies, which explicitly focus on the translator as an agent, rather than on translations as texts. This paper analyzes the epitext of The Road translated by Chong, Young-Mok. Various elements of social visibility such as identity, socioeconomic status, and social dynamics of the translator were identified. Chong, in the epitext, argues that he pursues literal translation, which can contribute to increasing textual visibility. However, textual visibility in his translation and paratextual visibility in the epitext are not linked to the enhancement of extratextualvisibility or social visibility, as he just describes the role and status of the translator rather than voicing out his opinions on how they should be. Further studies on epitext generated by various translators will be helpful for understanding the translator in social and cultural context.


 1. 서론
 2. 선행연구
  2.1. 가시성
  2.2. 후텍스트
 3. 정영목 譯<로드>의 후텍스트 분석
  3.1. 데이터와 분석방법
  3.2. 분석결과
  3.3 논의
 4. 결론


  • 유한내 Yu, Han-Nae.. 고려대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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