

A New Method to Extract Reference Currents for Shunt Active Power Filter in Three Phase Four Wire Systems



In this paper, three phase four wire active power filter is proposed to eliminate harmonic
currents both in the phases and in the neutral conductor of un unbalanced three-phase four
wire electrical distribution system, feeding three single non-linear loads. A new method for
identifying reference currents will be developed. It is based on pq theory using two
improvements: multi-variable filter having the advantage of extracting harmonic voltages
directly from the  axis and the second improvement consists on the use of fuzzy logic
controller to extract current harmonics components. A comparison between classical method
and the new approach has been illustrated in order to find the best way to reduce network
harmonic currents. The Matlab numerical code is used for all simulations in this paper.


 1. Introduction
 2. Circuit Configuration
 3. Reference Current Identification
  3.1 Conventional Instantaneous Powers Theory
  3.2 New Topology
 4. Simulation Results
 5. Interpretation
 6. Conclusion


  • H. Kouara LSPIE Laboratory, Electrical Engineering Department, Batna University, Algeria
  • H. Laib LSPIE Laboratory, Electrical Engineering Department, Batna University, Algeria
  • A. Chaghi LSPIE Laboratory, Electrical Engineering Department, Batna University, Algeria


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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