

A QoS Enhancement Framework for Ubiquitous Network Environments



Quality of Service (QoS) provision is of fundamental concern in high performance data networks. The system’s load and capacity evaluation are dependent on prescribed QoS parameters. The Service Level Agreements among telecom operators focus on their provision. In ubiquitous networks, different technologies with varying architectures and design merge together to enable the make before break concept. In such scenarios, QoS parameters are very critical. The paper presents a QoS enhancement framework for ubiquitous networks aimed at evaluating and routing the received network traffic on basis of intelligently evaluated parameters, enabling the network to perform efficiently.


 1. Introduction
  1.1 Challenges for Ubiquitous Networks
  1.2 Quality of Service
  1.3 Architectural Complexity Issues in Ubiquitous Networks
  1.4 Challenges faced by the Ubiquitous Networks Application
  1.5 Data Models of Ubiquitous Applications
 2. Current Work
 3. Problem Statement
 4. Proposed Framework
  4.1 Approach Used for Network Selection
  4.2 Decision Methodology
 5. Discussion
  5.1 QoS Performance Evaluator
  5.2 Resource Association Module
  5.3 QoS Decision Element
  5.2 Location of Proposed Framework
 6. Validation
 7. Conclusion and Future Work


  • Aaqif Afzaal Abbasi Department of Information Technology and Computer Science Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology (SZABIST), Pakistan
  • Mureed Hussain Department of Information Technology and Computer Science Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology (SZABIST), Pakistan


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