

Image Restoration Technique with Non Linear Filter



In this paper, we present a novel approach to process the image using different filtering methods by Image Restoration. The aim is to enhance the digital image, reconstruct it into the original form from the noisy image. This paper is an overview of effective algorithms that can be used for image restoration. For which, techniques are used on the basis of non linear filters to restore the image. The performance of Histogram Adaptive Fuzzy (HAF) filter is carefully examined and compared with other filters like, Weighted Fuzzy Mean (WFM) filter, Minimum-maximum Detector Based (MDB) filter, Adaptive Fuzzy Mean (AFMF) filter, Centre Weighted Mean (CWM) filter, and Min-max Exclusive Mean(MMEM) filter on the basis of (Peak Signal to Noise Ration) PSNR. Experimental results on images will illustrate the capabilities of all the studied approaches.


 1. Introduction
 2. Techniques and Methods
 3. Proposed Methodology and Solution
 4. Simulation Result
 5. Conclusion


  • Charu Khare RCET, CSV Technical University, Bhilai, India
  • Kapil Kumar Nagwanshi RCET, CSV Technical University, Bhilai, India


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