

User Interface of Assistant Navigation System in Smart Phone for the Blind



Under the development of mobile phones, the navigation can provide users with the location of and the path to the destination, such as the Google Map Navigation System. The users enter the correct destination into the mobile phone, and the system analyzes and indicates the paths. Users can also enter the designation by voice input; however, this method has low recognition rate and may be affected by the noise in the surrounding. Unlike the users with normal vision, the visually impaired users are unable to use mobile phones. To enable the visually impaired users to find paths, the study designed a “Smart Mobile Navigation System for the Blind”, which combines the Braille rules with the smart mobile phones. The Braille system can overcome the blind’s difficulty in message input and help them enter the correct destinations. As the voice output may not be completely received by the users, a vibration function is added to this system, in order to minimize the interference, reduce the errors in judgment, and avoid the impacts of the environmental factors on the blinds, thereby increasing their moving speed and improving their walking safety.


 1. Introduction
 2. System Design
  2.1. Braille Rules
  2.2. System Overview
  2.3. Input Interface
 3. Experiments
 4. Conclusion


  • Ning-Han Liu Department of Management Information Systems National Pingtung University of Science & Technology
  • Cheng-Yu Chiang Department of Management Information Systems National Pingtung University of Science & Technology
  • Ya-Han Wu Department of Management Information Systems National Pingtung University of Science & Technology


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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