

논문 4

차단기의 트래킹화재 예방대책에 관한 연구


A Study on Prevention from Fire of Tracking for Circuit Breakers


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this study, characteristics of tracking occurring at the surface of Circuit Breakers’s power side was analysed and prevention method for tracking is proposed. Circuit Breakers are used in various places including industrial facilities, offices, homes for human body protection from electric shock and over-current protection for electrical equipment. However, Circuit Breakers only protects the leakage and over-current on the load side and does not prevent the tracking in itself. Generally once installed, few Circuit Breakers get replacement before failure or fire occurs. Furthermore, accumulated moisture, dust and other debris on the surface of Circuit Breakers don’t get cleansed. On the purpose of tracking prevention, some MCCBs(Milded Case Circuit Breakers) of 50AF upper grade are manufactured with unevenness in between terminal block to prevent accumulation of dust and moisture. However most of the Circuit Breakers have more space in between terminals than the space of large capacity MCCBs(Milded Case Circuit Breakers), therefore have increased fire hazards without any physical configuration to prevent fire. In this study, increase of fire hazard was identified with elongated distance between bipolar conductors, using bakelite plate of phenolic resins which is used for the manufacture of Circuit Breakers. This study proposes to prevent tracking with configuration of unevenness on bakelite plate and control of depth of the unevenness. An application of this study into the manufacture of Circuit Breakers are expected to contribute to prevent Circuit Breakers realted fires.


 1. 서론
 2. 본문
  가. 차단기
  나. 트래킹
  다. 발화매터니즘
 3. 실험
  가. 실험1 (차단기 종류에 따른 트래킹 특성 분석)
  나. 실험2 (이극 도체사이의 거리에 따른 트래킹 특성 분석)
  다. 실험3 (이극 도체사이 요철(Unevenness)의 깊이에 따른 트래킹특성 분석)
 3. 결론


  • 최기옥 Ki-ok Choi. 방재시험연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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