

할레드 호세이니의 소설과 페리텍스트 — 『그리고 산이 울렸다』의 제목이 갖는 함축성에 관하여


“Hosseini’s Novel and Peritext: Connotations of the Title of And the Mountains Echoed.”


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Wang, E. Chull. “Hosseini’s Novel and Peritext: Connotations of the Title of And the Mountains Echoed.” Studies in English Language & Literature. 39.4 (2013): 119-140. Gerard Genette argues that the paratext consisting of peritext and epitext provides the text with a meaningful way of interpretation. It lies on the threshold of the text and affects the way the text is received by the reader, so it becomes a “threshold of interpretation.” Its main function is “to ensure for the text a destiny consistent with the author’s purpose.” Peritext consists of elements such as titles, prefaces, epigraphs, and notes whereas epitext consists of reviews, author interviews, and publishing stunt. This study picks up and uses Genette’s idea of paratext to discuss about meanings and significances of the title (peritext) of Khaled Hosseini’s And the Mountains Echoed. It gives a special attention to what Hosseini says in “Acknowledgments” in which he indicates the title “was inspired in part by William Blake’s lovely poem, ‘Nurse’s Song.’” It will first discuss how Hosseini’s text is related to Blake’s poem and then examine how the title as a peritext shapes, reflects, and even guides the novel’s form and narrative strategy. (Chonbuk National University)




  • 왕은철 Wang, E. Chull.. 전북대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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