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산사태 붕괴사면에 있어서 표면침식에 영향을 미치는 강우강도와 그에 따른 유출토사량의 변화


Rainfall Intensity Regulating Surface Erosion and Its Contribution to Sediment Yield on the Hillslope Devastated by a Shallow Landslide

권세명, 서정일, 조호형, 김석우, 이동균, 지병윤, 전근우

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



To examine surface erosion and sediment export patterns on a hillslope, which was devastated by a shallow landslide and which was slowly revegetating by natural plant species, we surveyed variations in surface erosion depth on the upper-, middle- and lower-section of the hillslope, and subsequent sediment yield from the whole hillslope. The result showed that, with the passing of year, surface erosion on the devastated hillslope was regulated by higher rainfall intensity due to the supply-limitation of exportable sediment, and its variation range decreased. In addition, surface erosion on the upper-section with steep slope was regulated by higher rainfall intensity, which might result in raindrop erosion, compared to it on the lower-section with relatively gentle slope. Besides, the sediment yield from the devastated hillslope had nonlinear relationship with surface erosion depth on the hillslope because sediments on the hillslope are exported downwards while repeating their cycle of transport and redistribution. Our findings suggest the establishment of management strategy to prevent sediment-related disasters occurred during torrential rainfall events, which was based on the continuous field investigation on the hillslope devastated by landslides.


 조사지 개요
  산사태 붕괴사면의 정리 및 조사장치 설치
  측정 방법
  강우자료 및 측정기간
  산사태 붕괴사면에 있어서 표면침식 깊이(SED)에 영향을 미치는 최적모델
  선택된 강우강도에 따른 표면침식 깊이(SED)의 변화
  표면침식 깊이(SED)와 유출토사량(SY)과의 관계
  산사태지 붕괴사면의 표면침식에 영향을 미치는 강우 강도 및 그에 따른 표면침식의 양적 변화
  산사태지 붕괴사면에 있어서 표면침식 깊이(SED)에 따른 유출토사량(SY)의 변화
 감사의 글


  • 권세명 Se Myoung Kwon. 강원대학교 산림환경과학대학 산림자원학과
  • 서정일 Jung Il Seo. 공주대학교 산업과학대학 산림자원학과
  • 조호형 Ho Hyoung Cho. 일본 홋카이도대학 대학원 농학원
  • 김석우 Suk Woo Kim. 강원대학교 산림환경과학대학 산림자원학과
  • 이동균 Dong Kyun Lee. 강원대학교 산림환경과학대학 산림자원학과
  • 지병윤 Byoung Yun Ji. 국립산림과학원 산림생산기술연구소
  • 전근우 Kun-Woo Chun. 강원대학교 산림환경과학대학 산림자원학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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