Effects of School Maladjusted Students' Child Abuse from Parents on School Adjustment - Mediating Effects of Ego-Resilience -
The study was to investigate effects of school maladjusted students' child abuse on school adjustment and to examine mediating effect of ego-resilience. The subject was 206 middle school student in 18 schools at cheongju-si. The major results of this study were as follows. First, results of multiple regression, the physical abuse, optimism and anger adjustment was appeared to effect school adjustment. Second, results of mediating effect, ego-resilience was appeared to perfect mediate between child abuse and school adjustment. Therefore, social community(social welfare center, police, local government etc) must strive creating the right environment to grow up to be good students
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
1. 아동학대
2. 자아탄력성
3. 학교생활적응
4. 선행연구
Ⅲ. 연구방법
1. 연구모형
2. 조사대상
3. 연구도구
4. 분석방법
Ⅳ. 분석결과
1. 주요변수의 수준(정도)
2. 아동학대경험과 자아탄력성이 학교생활적응에 미치는 영향
3. 아동학대경험과 학교생활적응 관계에서 자아탄력성의 매개효과 분석
Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언